A quick note on notes…

Hello one and all!

Sometimes I often think a thought I wish to share. Sometimes such a thought is heard best when read. And so here I am! Passionate about love and life and all the world has to offer. Lets embark on wee journeys through the madness of my mind. 

I am a humble Irish man, inspired by childhood memories, travelling the world and the beautiful human beings within. I pretend to know little so I can learn everyday.  I’m an artist of the theatre world. Yet sometimes even the wooden boards are not enough to convey my most inner notions.

Alas, allow me to take you on a one man show of my life, and we can improvise our way unto the end. Lets play together.

Exit stage left pursued by bear

21 thoughts on “A quick note on notes…

  1. Good morning! Thanks for for following.
    I’ve just been having a little nose around your bloggy and I am enjoying it immensely!
    I feel as though I want to Scottish accentise my whole day.
    Looking forward to reading more 😊🌺🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a bunch thats very nice of you! As much as i love the scottish i think i prefer my own irish accent :-p honestly thank you so much. Give some of them a share if you like! Im only 2weeks into this game so the support would be lovely . Stay in touch! X


      1. Uuuurrgh! I knew it! As soon as I wrote Scottish I thought, I bet he’s Irish and I just didn’t pay enough attention! 😂 Apologies
        You seem more like 2 years in with your ease of style 😉
        I am slightly… let’s say… diametrically opposed to everything social media-y so I can’t share your lovely posties in that way but I can do what I can through WP! 😂
        Lots of good things X

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Another Irish person! They are everywhere. I can’t get away from the wee folk…. welcome to my blogging world. In there you may find a few Finnish trolls…. but no leprechauns. May your journeys be filled with beauty and wonder 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. welcome to the blog world and i am enjoying reading around your blog and your notes on napkins. i spent a few weeks in your beautiful country last summer and it was an amazing experience. (half of my heritage is irish after all, i’m a kennedy ) cheers, beth


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